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I’m a sports massage therapist for women, or what you can call a movement & soft tissue therapist. I use hands-on remedial techniques and exercise therapy and do home visits in Chester and any of the surrounding villages such as Boughton, Christleton, Waverton, Upton, etc. This means you won’t have to worry about traffic and you get to prepare the treatment area to your liking. If you have kids, it also solves the childcare issue, particularly if they are at an age where they can entertain themselves but can’t be left alone yet. I offer slots before and after work and if you work from home, a lunchtime slot might be ideal for you. Weekend and evening slots will fill up fast and might need booking in advance.


*There will be an extra £5 charge for bookings outside a 5-mile radius from Christleton



Some common issues I can help with whilst working towards regaining mobility, reducing pain levels, and improving your posture:


Back pain
Scar complications and pain
Pain after C-section (even years after) 
Pelvic issues
Diaphragm work to improve breathing
SI joint pain
Complications caused by anxiety
Complications caused by trauma
Discomfort in any joints such as:
Wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee, and ankle
Piriformis pain
Muscle imbalances
Plantar fasciitis
Emotional tension that the body is holding onto
Soft tissue injuries and imbalances can also show as tension headaches and jaw pain

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