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Below you can get an idea of what to expect on the day of your first appointment. Follow-up appointments will start with a few questions to see if anything has changed, after which I'll go straight into the treatment aspect. Please always allow 5-10 minutes on top of the treatment time for me to set up and pack away.


If you have any questions or concerns before or after the treatment, know that you can always contact me. As soon as I am free I will get in touch and we can go through everything.    

what to expect

For your first manual therapy treatment, you can prepare an area anywhere in your home so I can set up the treatment table and move around it. It's up to you whether you play music or not and if there are other things you can implement to make you feel more at ease then please do. 


I will ask some questions about your issue and background whilst I do a postural assessment and check the area for any red flags. There may also be some tests to determine how your body is functioning at the moment and where my focus needs to lie. The treatment itself will be tailored to your needs and will include mostly hands-on treatment with some exercise prescription towards the end (small area-specific exercises). I will explain what I'm doing throughout so you can have as much input and understanding as possible. For some techniques, I will use a cream or wax so let me know if you require this to be vegan or if you have any allergies.


I work completely within your comfort zone and pain levels. There's no one size fits all, so I listen to your feedback as we go along. Some techniques require deeper pressure but if you are not comfortable with this, I can ease off or use a different technique. I also use some gentle but effective techniques. There are lots of options either way!


It's best to wear comfortable and loose-fitting shorts for your appointment. If wearing a bra please wear one which can be undone at the back so I can access it easily whilst you are lying on your front- if this area needs treatment. For your discretion and to stay warm, you could have a towel or other covering to hand and a pillow if you so wish for your comfort. 

Cold Water Bottles


Treatment not possible with

Blood thinners (need consent from GP)


osteoporosis (GP consent)

Blood clots

Contagious diseases 
Contagious skin conditions

Pain killers taken shortly before treatment 

Neuritis (GP consent)


Yoga Pose


Possible reactions after treatment


Flu-like symptoms 

Stiff & achy 



Skin irritation

Emotional release

*Please contact me if you have any concerns about how you feel after your treatment. Everybody responds differently. 


Tropical House Plant


24-48 hours after treatment

Take a moment before driving 

Drink plenty of fluids
Avoid drinking caffeine & alcohol

Stretch the areas worked on

Warm bath/shower or use ice/heat packs (always use a barrier between ice and skin)
Take it easy when back to exercise, even when you feel less pain.
 Re-injury could occur if you overdo it.


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